I just want to update you on my journey and also share about an organization that is close to my heart.
After I announced my departure from OPC, one of the church members, who work at Compassion Canada, approached me and asked if I would be interested in being one of their ambassadors.
You may have seen WorldVision's fundraising method of matching a donor to a receiving child. Compassion International takes the same approach, in which a donor sponsors a child in the third world countries financially and can send encouraging letters and personal gifts. I have always been a big fan of this organization and I personally sponsor a child in Columbia.
I love Compassion, not only because my son's name, Leo, came from the Greek word, Eleos, meaning compassion!, but really because 1) Compassion believes in local churches. They always try to accomplish their vision and mission through local churches. They mobilize local churches in developed countries like Canada and help children through the local churches in the underdeveloped countries. This is so important, because it can empower and strength local churches, both in developed and underdeveloped countries.
I love Compassion, because 2) Compassion puts children first. I find that in our society and even in churches, children are often neglected because they do not have voices (or more precisely they were not given an opportunity). But, the Bible is very clear how important children are to our God. He wants to be called the Father of the fatherless. He welcomes children. He is pleased to reveal his secrets to children. Anyone, who wants to learn how Compassion cares so much about children, should read a book written by the former President, Wess Stafford, Too Small to Ignore. I've recently read it and it's filled with wisdom and inspiration.
I love Compassion, because 3) Compassion takes a holistic mission approach. I often have concerns about some mission agencies when they are far too right or far too left in their mission strategies. Sometimes, we can put so much emphasis on the souls of the people that we forget they need physical and material aids. Or even worse, some mission agencies completely forget about the reason we are serving and throw away the whole spiritual need the people have. Compassion makes very clear about their mission, which is written right in their logo, "Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name." This holistic missional approach is the very reason why they insist matching sponsorship. It's not simply sending money for relief. They believe it's best to help children when we care them like parents do. It's about sharing love and speaking truth into the lives of these children.
So, I said yes and applied for an ambassador program. It's not like becoming their staff; rather it's a partnership. When there are opportunities for me to preach at churches or speak at conferences, I can also choose to speak for Compassion. Usually then there is a booth set up outside for people to sponsor children. I had an interview with them a few weeks ago and now they are ready to put me onto their ambassador roaster. I just need to complete their volunteer training. It's actually pretty mind-boggling to me how my name is added to the list of many talented Christian musicians and speakers. Actually, most of ambassadors are musicians and I am one of the very few who will join their ambassadors for speaking ability.
When I discerned this, in my prayer, I was reminded of Jonah 4:10-11, "You are concerned about the bush, for which you did not labor and which you did not grow; it came into being in a night and perished in a night. And should I not be concerned about Nineveh, that great city, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand persons who do not know their right hand from their left, and also many animals?" I have a big heart for my own children. I also have a big heart for the children in London, as I prayerfully discern my next endeaver. I know that God is compassionate towards these children. But, shouldn't the same God be compassionate towards the children around the world? I cannot simply choose to serve Christ locally, when there is a great need in the world today. I realized this is the least I can do for Christ's kingdom in the world, to use my gift of preaching God has granted to speak for the children and challenge other Christians to sponsor and speak God's love and truth into these precious young lives.
If you would like to learn more about Compassion, you can go to
In Christ,
John Park