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A Remote Rural Place in South Korea

It's been awhile since I wrote my last article. As I mentioned, I'm currently in South Korea. Just before we came to South Korea, my wife and I attended a conference in Surrey, British Columbia. There were quite amazing things God has revealed to me there, but I won't share it now. I think there will be a proper time I can share it with you.

But, I would like to share my experience in a remote rural place in South Korea, called Jesus Abbey and Three Seas Center. But, before I do that, I think it's important that I share a little bit of the background of this place and also why I visited these remote places.

1. Background of Jesus Abbey

I'm not sure how many people are familiar with the name Reuben Archer Torrey (or simply R. A. Torrey). Anyone who understands the importance of the baptism of Holy Spirit must be indebted to R. A. Torrey. In late 1800's he formed and taught the doctrines related to the personhood of Holy Spirit and baptism of Holy Spirit. If you don't know R. A. Torrey, I'm sure at least you must have heard D. L. Moody. R. A. Torrey worked with D. L. Moody and traveled the world around to teach who Holy Spirit is and what He can do. He has direct and indirect impacts on many of the world revivals in early 1900's, including Azusa Revival, Great Awakening in US, Welsh Revival, India, South Korea and many more. While many of contemporary Christians consider the baptism of Holy Spirit "Pentecostal thing," R. A. Torrey's teaching was rooted in Reformed tradition, and yet brought very powerful experiences.

In fact, it's his book that first opened my eyes to the personhood of Holy Spirit and deepened my thirst for the baptism of Holy Spirit before I actually experience it.

His son, R. A. Torrey II, became a Presbyterian missionary in East Asia, then his grandson, R. A. Torrey III (I know, confusing), who then became an Anglican priest (a great loss for Presbyterians!) came to South Korea to establish a place now called, Jesus Abbey.

Jesus Abbey at first looks like some kind of monastery or prayer mountain. Because of its geographical location (remote rural area on top of mountain in South Korea) and the life style at Jesus Abbey (simple, routinized spiritual practices), it's like a monastery. But, the place has a deeper and powerful purpose. It's considered an intercessory prayer center, because it's a place where Christians gather to pray for all parts of the world. In fact, when you visit, you are told not to pray for your own prayer requests, but pray for others, because they sincerely believe that when you pray for others, God will take care of your needs.

They also consider the place a "Spiritual laboratory" for Christians. This is where Christians gather to see God working through prayers. Many miracles and signs have happened in this place and many lives have been transformed and changed in this place. Many well-known Christian leaders, including David Ross (who founded YWAM), has their spiritual roots here. R. A. Torrey III, also known as Dae Chun Duck in South Korea, had served as a spiritual mentor to many Christians around the world until he passed away in 2002.

His son, Ben Torrey, has a different calling and is serving as the director of The Three Seas Center and Fourth River Project, which are to prepare for the opening of North Korea. If you would like to learn more, I recommend you to check their website at

2. Why I visited this place

Many years ago, I had a strange dream. I didn't understand the meaning of the dream at the time, as it revealed the future of my church and denomination. When the issue of sexuality began to rise in my denomination, I began to understand what God has revealed to me. In that dream, the scene was changed to a remote rural place in South Korea, where I was listening to a gentleman. He was explaining about different things his school was teaching, and I thought these are the very things I need. Then I woke up. I was confused why I was in a remote rural place in South Korea. Like Mary, I was much perplexed and wondered what sort of dream it may be (Luke 1:29). Like Mary, I treasured this dream and pondered it in my heart (Luke 2:19).

Then, as I explained in my previous article, I attended a conference called Thriving in Babylon in Toronto. There, I met Barbara Ferrier, the executive director of Dunamis Fellowship Canada. I approached its table to sign up for intercessory prayer for the upcoming General Assembly of PCC. I then saw all the Dunamis Fellowship Curriculum books and asked her if I could buy them. She explained I needed to attend Dunamis Fellowship Conference to obtain the books. When she learned that I was going to visit South Korea, she encouraged me to see Ben Torrey, as Dunamis Fellowship was developed from Jesus Abbey. When she connected me to Ben through emails, I began to remember the dream I had many years about my visit to a remote rural place in South Korea. So, I decided to visit Jesus Abbey and meet Ben Torrey.

The stay at Jesus Abbey was wonderful. I spent two nights and three days there. Then, i went to visit Three Seas Center to meet Ben Torrey. I had a pleasant conversation with Ben and Liz (his wife).

In last few weeks, God has been revealing many wonderful things, and at the same time I am still discerning God's guidance. I am going to visit Osanlee prayer mountain here in South Korea (this is where Rev. David Yongki Cho's mother used to pray) to further pray and discern God's will. Please continue to pray for us.

In Christ,

John Park

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