"Thank You"
As I mentioned in my facebook post, my trip to Honduras was cancelled due to an unstable political circumstance in Honduras. In last few days, there has been a number of protests rising due to the Honduras president's attempt to privatize education and health care sectors. The picture above shows the fire set by the protesters at the US Embassy last Friday. As the security risk rises, Compassion Canada decides to postpone it until the situation improves in future.
As I was saddened by this cancellation, I quickly realize God is opening new doors for me this week. Today, I will share one Good News, and in near future I will share other exciting news soon as well.
Compassion Sharing Sunday in Mississauga
This Sunday, I was at Westside Presbyterian Church in Mississauga. They had a Compassion mobile experience set up in parking lot from Friday til Monday. A large trailer truck came and set up a large experience centre, which gives an opportunity for people to see and learn about Compassion recipient country's living condition and Compassion centre.
By the way, they will also come to London, Ontario on June 21-24 at Gateway Church. It's free and it's a wonderful family or group exercise. You can go to the following link to learn more: https://cts.compassion.com/events/1155
Westside Presbyterian Church is a Korean mega church in Mississauga. They have at least six services in multiple languages throughout Sunday. Justin Suh, the President of Compassion Korea, came to speak at three Korean services, and I was asked to speak at their English service, youth service and Korean young adult service. Each service is attended by at least 80-100 people.
Justin Suh's Powerful Message (in Korean)
My first speaking was at English service, which was at 10am, but I wanted to come earlier to listen to Justin Suh at 8am service. His message was so powerful. I was translating his message to Aimee, regional rep of Compassion Canada, besides me, and I couldn't translate everything to her, and yet even she wept. The message was "Who's my neighbour" based on Luke 10:25-29. I was so moved that I ran out to sponsor two more children myself (and their names were Leo and Esther!! How could I not!) I wish I could provide his message in English. But, to my Korean friends, I put his message on youtube below to watch:
I then preached at three different services and I was grateful for their warm welcome and eagerness to hear what God has to say to them, clearly demonstrated in their faces and postures.
Westside Presbyterian Church
One of things that intrigued me was how well-oiled this church was. I said this, because I felt like this church was a well-oiled machine almost (in a positive way). As I said, they had multiple services throughout the day and pastors didn't have to run around and/or chase to get things rolling. Everyone knew what they were supposed to do and did their parts without pastors and leaders telling them what to do. After one service, next choir or praise team came and began setting up by themselves. Pastors would come only once or twice either to pray or introduce me to the group. Otherwise, lay volunteers prepared and even started services without pastors present in the service (pastors were busy discussing with me and Justin Suh well into the hour of service). All these lay volunteers seemed passionate and committed. I could sense that they were well trained and discipled and took their roles seriously.
Overwhelming Response (148 newly sponsored children!)
After each service, I was overwhelmed by the responses they were showing. Typically, after the service, only a few would stop at the booth to consider Compassion. But not at this church. Most of people came out and visited the booth, wanting to sponsor children. Even young adults and youth came to sponsor as well. At the end of the day, I received a happy report that on Sunday alone they had 150 children newly sponsored. Hallelujah!!
The church chose Mexico as their focus area, so the team brought 75 children from four churches in the similar area. These churches just opened up Compassion programs and registered their first 75 children, and all of them found sponsors at this church on one day! My heart pounded when I imagined these four churches on Monday found out that all of their 75 children found sponsors and how joyous they would be! Now, these children will begin attending these local churches, receiving food, education, health care, hearing the Gospel, and dreaming for their future for God's kingdom. This one church in Mississauga just gave hope to four churches and their 75 children.
Thank You
I was filled with many thanks this Sunday and I want to share what kind of thanks I discovered:
1) God's "Thank you": I am so grateful that our God uses people like me to be part of his kingdom work, and yet our good Father sometimes says to me "Thank you, John, for being obedient to me." Everything is from him and to him and yet he honours me for a little act of obedience. God is truly good.
2) Church's Thank you: I am grateful to Westside Church for giving us an opportunity to partner and share God's heart with the church, and yet the church expresses their thanks to us for this. All, including senior pastors, associate pastors, members and volunteers, showed gratitude for this new partnership and their chance to make difference in their sponsored children's lives and their countries. They are already making a plan to visit Mexico to meet their 75 sponsored children next summer.
3) Compassion's Thank you: I am grateful to partner and work with Compassion Canada, and yet they express thanks for speaking for them. The difference they make in children, local churches and communities in poverty is tremendous and I'm so honoured to be part of this wonderful mission of God.
I want to mention one Korean family, who live in GTA and came out to every single Compassion Sharing Sundays I preached in past few months. The mother and three teenage children came always to volunteer, and this time they came even with the father. I am grateful for this family and they made our Compassion Sharing Sundays so much easier by providing assistance to the Korean-speaking people in their mother's tongue, which helps a big time. One thing I notice is there is a great benefit for yourselves when you are able to involve your whole family in ministry like this. Your children can learn from parents and from participating together. There are various ways you can volunteer, including helping at tables in events, sorting mails, writing and translating letters, and others. You can learn more about volunteering at: https://www.compassion.ca/volunteer/
4) My Thank you: As I said, I am grateful to all involved parties that made this Sunday truly amazing, and most of all I give thanks to our awesome God.
I will be speaking at various churches, none of which is related to Compassion Sharing, in next few weeks. I am planning to upload some of my sermons in near future.
In Christ,